Necvel 4, Post 3, Mycelium materials (Theme Free Post )

Mushroom pertains to Fungi kingdoms. The principal function of mushrooms is decomposition: the organism acquires the nutrients. 

The mushroom that we know is the fruit and a large network of roots grows under the ground, called Mycelium.  This grown where there are nutrients to absorb. Also, it fulfills a very important function, the network of roots connects the trees with other trees or plants with other plants. For example:  when a little tree doesn’t have enough nutrients because the sun the sun doesn’t reach him, mycelium transport nutrients from the old trees to little tree. Generating a beautiful underground internet throughout the forest.

With mycelium is possibly create biodegradable materials. Mycelium gets in a mold with a substrate and this start to grow, covering all subtracts and forming a block of mycelium. When subjected to heat the organism dies and we have a block of inert material.

In architecture, mycelium materials have been used in pavilions like a structuring material, cladding and isolation. Is a lightweight material and can be strong, this depends of subtract and grown of mycelium. 

Mycelium material depends of a mold, therefore, is possible infinites possibilities of use, like chairs or lamps. 

Biomaterial's are an option that can replace plastics, mycelium and substrate come from nature and are biodegradable.


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